
Top foods that trigger acne

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Acne is caused by overproduction of sebum–an oily substance–by sebaceous glands that lie under the skin, other irritants and bacteria. Excess amounts of sebum or other irritants accumulate and block hair pores of the skin. Bacteria then infect the cells and tissues that block the pore. Foods or substances that cause irritation or inflammation, increase bacteria or boost production of sebum can trigger acne.

Some of the top foods that trigger acne, which you are taking almost everyday are listed below:

1) Aspartame:

Research showed that when people with acne prone skin types started drinking diet coke, their acne got triggered and when they stopped drinking, their complexion cleared up. This is because of the artificial sweetener called Aspartame contained in it. Aspartame is also contained in many of your favorite chewing-gums which can trigger acne. Most of the acne caused due to consumption of aspartame is found to be cystic acne on face or other parts of the body.

2) Sugar:


A good way to improve the health of your skin is to eat foods that keeps your blood sugars balanced. Some foods raise the blood sugar levels and trigger the insulin levels in the bloodstream. Insulin plays a major role in causing acne which is proved through researches. By identifying and avoiding foods that have high glycemic index and those which have the nature of triggering acne, you can prevent and heal acne effectively. It is better to substitute sugar with pure honey if you have acne prone skin.glycemic index

3) Dairy:

milk products can trigger acne due to the growth hormone contained in it
There is abundant amount of a growth hormone called IGF-1 in milk, which can trigger acne. IGF-1 is one of the huge factors that cause inflammation in humans, which is the main reason for causing acne. Milk and dairy products also triggers insulin production which causes the liver to produce more IGF-1. Dairy consumption increases the sebum production and makes the skin a breeding ground for propionibacterium acnes, a bacteria that causes acne.

4) Gluten:

Glutinous proteins, found in wheat, barley, and rye, known as prolamines makes your digestive system to allow more liquids and gases through it. Because of this partially digested proteins gets into your bloodstream which should actually be excluded from the body. This makes your your immune system sensitive and triggers inflammation, worsening acne.

5) Soy:


Soybeans have a great estrogen-mimicking effects on our body. Soy contains huge amounts of omega-6 which causes inflammation if not balanced with omega-3, but it is not easy to take omega-3 in quantities more than that of omega-6 in soy. This increases the inflammation and caused the acne to breakout.

6) Spicy foods:

Spicy foods doesn’t cause acne but it increases the circulation and also keeps the oil producing glands in the face active. Spices increases the temperature of the body, causes inflammation of the body and increases sweating. This can worsen the acne.

7) Nuts:

Nuts are very healthy for the body. But one drawback is that they are rich in proteins. If these nuts are not digested properly, the high proteins and fats effects the immune system and causes the production of antibodies that can inflame the sebaceous glands. One way to prevent this is either to roast nuts or to soak them in order to improve the digestion.

8) Fast foods:


avoid fast foods like pizza, burger, french fries to avoid acne
Numerous studies have linked junk foods to acne. Processed foods cause inflammation of the body and increases the sebum, triggering acne. Pizza, burgers, chocolates and all other junk foods are associated with acne and it is an undeniable fact that our skin condition depends on the food we take.

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