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5 signs to check to know if you have fallen in love

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Love – an intense, universal and immensely intriguing emotion that knows no barriers of time, geography, race, sex and culture, is a famous expression of profound affection, caring and attachment. Eulogized as life’s driving force and clichéd as ‘making the world go round’ or ‘doing strange things to people’, it is famously known to as love is blind.

5 signs to check to know if you have fallen in love


One of the tale tale signs that you’ve fallen in love is that your sleep pattern goes off the  crazy.

When someone is taking over your subconcious and won’t let you switch off you know they’ve had an impact! And it could be love.

He’s always in your mind

When the love-haze descends it’s hard to think clearly. Don’t be surprised if you get on the wrong bus, call the wrong number or find yourself constantly distracted by thoughts of your guy.

That ex you’ve been obsessing over for months does not matter anymore and also you find that you’re completely blind to other men.

You’ll have the urge to text him every moment of the day and you will burst with excitement every time you see him.

Would do anything for him

I would do anything for love’ fast becomes your personal anthem.

Things you would never have considered remotely interesting or appealing before may start taking up your time.

Whether that’s sitting through old episodes of Doctor Who, being interested in his home brewing obsession or meeting up with his less than mature friends – the list is endless.

Of course, we’re not condoning doing everything your loved one suggests, but we all know that when you really love someone their requests carry quite a bit more weight than the average person.


Compromise is a very important part of any relationship – just ask anyone who’s been married for a long time.

Unfortunately, in our modern times, when being single is truly about pleasing yourself, compromise can be hard.

However, when you’re in love that all goes out the window. You realize that it doesn’t matter if you don’t get to see your choice of film on your cinema date night, because frankly, does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?

Life is complete

Falling in love puts you in a little bubble.

It makes the normal irritations of the day melt away, and suddenly nothing bothers you.

Of course, this isn’t  always entirely positive; while your love life thrives you need to be careful your friendships and work life don’t become neglected.

Use this new found contentment to boost the other areas of your life rather than staring into space and thinking about the next time you’ll see him!

Thinking of the future

The future can be scary, especially when thinking about mortgages, marriage and babies, but when the right person comes along, thoughts of the future become so much more exciting!

The things you never wanted to hope would happen suddenly seem like they could become a reality because that special person in your life is giving you the security to think about them.

Feels good huh?

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