Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister for Steel, Mines, Labour and Employment on Thursday said that the amended Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation (MMDR) Act will be introduced in the winter session of the Parliament.
Inaugurating Mining Exploration Convention and Trade Show here, Mr. Tomar said that, new guidelines under the Act would be framed at the earliest and he had initiated discussion with the Chief Ministers of all the states in the regard.
The replaced Bill on MMDR Act 1957, which was tabled in the Parliament, lapsed and the amended Act will be placed in the coming session. The amended Bill will have greater decentralisation of power to states to allocate resources and critically introduced the opinion of buying and selling mineral rights.
Expressing concern over the negative public perception with regard to mining, Mr. Tomar said there was a need to have a transparent and efficient system of allocation of leases, along with a robust regulatory frame work that best serves country’s interests.
(The Hindu)