Bangalore: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has announced that over 83,000 police personnel from the ranks of constable to inspector would get group insurance cover for Rs. 20 lakh and the families of those who die while on duty will be given Rs. 30 lakh.
At the Police Commemoration Day programme here on Tuesday, Mr. Siddaramaiah said the State government had also hiked the compensation for police personnel sustaining permanent physical disability while on duty from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh. Those sustaining injuries would be entitled for a relief of Rs. 2 lakh, a hike from Rs. 20,000.
The government was committed to ensuring the well-being of the police force. All police personnel would be entitled to an annual medical check-up at a cost of Rs. 1,000 each, he said. This facility was earlier given to only IPS and IAS cadre officers, he added.
The government would open schools for the children of police personnel in Davangere, Belgaum, Udupi and Gulbarga at a cost of Rs. 15 crore. It would also open 46 more police canteens across the State.