Mangaluru, November 17: The Nandini products were released on Monday, November 17th as part of the 61st All India Co-operative Week organised by the Dakshina Kannada Co-operative milk producers union and the Dakshina Kannada District Co-operative Union Mangaluru.
Raviraj Hegde, president of the DKCMPU Mangaluru spoke during this occasion and said, if the government moves forward to seal the meadows and convert it into restricted forest areas then it will increase the fodder shortage problem. He added that the government must increase the cost of milk and reduce the fodder cost. He also revealed that a request has been placed before the government to hand over the meadows to concerned unions.
Raviraj also revealed that the union plans to sell milk in flexi pack from the coming year.
Dr M N Rajendra Kumar, SCDCC president launched the real thick curd packing machine.
Anjana Mali and Apoorva Mali from Mangala Magician Group launched Nandini real thick curds cups (200gms- 400gms), Nandini cream pack -1 kg in a unique manner.
P Nagaraju, president of the Karnataka Milk Federation, Bengaluru said, the request made by the union to grant financial assistance to install a mega dairy will be considered. The total project cost would be Rs 70 crore and a financial aid of Rs 40 crore will be sought from the government and a proposal will be forwarded requesting for the same.
Rejesh Nayak, president of Ganjimath Milk producer’s Co-operative union and Konkody Padmanabha President of Campco were felicitated during this ceremony.
MP Naleen Kumar Kateel and others were present; Captain Ganesh Karnik, District co-operative union president Harish Aachar, Mangalore corporator Bhaskar K and others were present along with the representatives of the Milk producers association.