Bengaluru: Organisers of the ‘Kiss of Love’ met police officials on Wednesday to seek permission for the upcoming event, even as Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said his government had no objection to the campaign provided no law was violated.
Sandeep Patil, DCP (Central), confirmed to Deccan Herald that the organisers had sought police permission. “But we want some more clarifications about the event and will decide on permission only after these issues are clarified,” he said.
Police want to know the mode of the protest. The letter submitted by the organisers seeking permission does not mention the mode of protest, Patil said.
“The mode of protest in this case is the most controversial aspect and we need more details on exactly what is planned before we decide on the police bandobast to be provided,” the officer added.
Meanwhile, the organisers updated their Facebook page, stating they met the police officers to ask for permission. The update read: “I, along with a few volunteers, met with the police today to ask for necessary permissions for our protest against moral policing. We submitted a letter and I will keep you updated on what response I get from them.”
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said in the day that his government had no objection to the organising of a ‘Kiss of Love’ campaign in Bengaluru provided there was no violation of any law.
“We have no objection to holding any event. But it should not be obscene and should not violate any law. The government will take action against all those who violate law,” he told reporters here.
In another part of the City, former minister and BJP leader Shobha Karandlaje said the campaign should not be allowed at any cost. “It is vulgar and an insult to the society,” she said.