Anushka Sharma and Aamir Khan have been on a spree of promotional activities recently for their upcoming film, PK. However, the review of the person who matters most to Anushka is already out! Yes, Virat Kohli has seen PK!! Wonder what his reaction is?
Well, reportedly, when Anushka was asked about what her beloved boyfriend thought of her film, she said, “He said that he loved this film.” And love it he will, considering Sharma is looking breathtakingly adorable!!
What is even more interesting are the reactions that Aamir and Vidhu Vinod Chopra had to the same question…. Both the actor and the producer were in a good mood and chose to given quirky and interesting answers!
While Aamir said that Virat, “liked PK more than 3 Idiots!”… Vidhu chose to say, “Virat has also said that she is his World Cup win.” Awwww!! Aren’t they just the cutest couple!