Bengaluru: While the city police have urged people to maintain peace and not pay heed to rumours doing the rounds on Twitter and WhatsApp, a twitter account purportedly belonging to Abdul Khan has taken responsibility for the blast that rocked Bengaluru on Sunday night, which left one woman dead and three others injured on Church Street.
@LatestAbdul posted tweets on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s twitter accounts, following which the handle was suspended.
The police are however looking into the genuineness of the twitter handle.
The investigators had approached Twitter seeking the location where the messages were uploaded on it.
On the request of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, (Crime), Abhishek Goyal, Twitter has suspended the account. The DCP requested the citizens not to believe baseless rumours of more blasts and said the situation is under control as multiple agencies in concentrated efforts are helping the city police.
On the request of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, (Crime), Abhishek Goyal, Twitter has suspended the account. The DCP requested the citizens not to believe baseless rumours of more blasts and said the situation is under control as multiple agencies in concentrated efforts are helping the city police.
City police commissioner, M.N. Reddi, tweeted that “BCP is aware about the tweets of @LatestAbdul. They are being examined. There is no reason to be alarmed and please do not pay heed to such rumours.”
Additional Commissioner of Police, L&O, Alok Kumar tweeted, “Situation in Bangalore city is peaceful. Some unscrupulous elements are spreading rumours. Don’t pay attention to such rumours, in case of anything suspicious, please call 100.”
Meanwhile fundamental forces are busy engaged in bashing the each other for the Bengaluru blast. A Facebook page created in the name of Mangalore Muslims blamed an organisation called Abhinav Bharath while few other members of right wing groups blamed foreign elements including those who migrated for the increasing security threats.