Bengaluru: Angry parents burned school property and vehicles on Wednesday and thrashed a physical education teacher who has been accused of molesting an 8-year-old student.
The teacher, Krishna, was questioned by the police after parents held protests outside the school premises.
As the police was taking away the teacher for further questioning, he was beaten up by the agitated protesters.
The police used tear gas and resorted to baton-charge to control the situation. Angry protesters retaliated by pelting stones at the policemen.
Bengaluru DCP (North) Sandeep Patil said that the accused has been taken into preventive custody.
Bengaluru Police Commissioner MN Reddi urged people to maintain calm while assuring a swift probe into the case.
“In the west division area of Bangalore city, there was an incident where a physical training cum general teacher is alleged of sexually assaulting a girl in a school. Parents and locals gathered in large numbers outside the school and demanded that justice should be instantly served,” Reddi said.
“We will not allow such instant justice methods and they will be booked. We will investigate and we will produce them before the court which alone has the authority to impose any penalty,” he added.
Reddi, however, said that some of the unruly elements did not pay heed to the request made by the Additional Commissioner following which the force had to use tear gas and baton charged the agitators to bring the situation under control.
Police have stepped up security around the school to prevent the occurrence of any untoward incident.
Last year, at least three cases of sexual assault happened in different schools in Bengaluru.