Udupi, June 22: Demanding justice for the student of Manipal who alleged gang-raped on Thursday, June 20, from various colleges in the district staged protest under the Banner of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishat (ABVP) Campus Front of India and Girls Islamic Organization at Clock tower near service bus stand.
ShivaKumar (ABVP, President Udupi) said that like all the other case which occurred earlier the chances of escaping the criminals are more, the questioned the policemen what is the guarantee that such incidents may occur in the future? They demanded a safe environment for the girls. They also demanded a severe punishment for the criminals so that next time they should think twice before committing such crimes.
The students marched Clock Tower to SP office and forwarded the memorandum to the home minister and the chief minister though the SP (Dr Boralingaiah) demanding immediate arrest culprits at the earliest and justice to be extended to the victim.