Udipi; August 06: Pre-preparation conference for newly joined first year engineering students organized by Shirva Buntakal Shree Madhwa Vadiraja Institutes of technology and Management was held recently in the premises of the institute.
Konduri Laxminarayana, MRPL CEO, Human resource Dept,said in his chief guest address that total involvement and dedication is the key for the success and incidents, happenings in the life is not a punishment but it is a boon for the progress. Therefore students in the selection of their future profession should be meaningful and to be performed dutifully and with dedication, honesty and integrity, he informed.
Padigaru Shreenivasa Thantry, Vice president, Sodhe Vadiraja Mutt educational trust® has presided over the function.Ratna Kumar, secretary of the trust has briefed about the earlier days and the way how the society has accepted. Prof Dr Radhakrishna s Aithal, Principal of the institution has explained purpose in aiming and steps taken for over all progress of the students.
Prof.Dr A Ganesh, Dean of the institution has welcomed the gatherings, Ravi Prabha, student’s welfare division explained about the steps to be followed for discipline and rules and regulations. Lolitapriya Cassalino, programme co-Ordinator University’s presented rules and regulations of the institution in front of the members.
Kumari Aishwarya has recited prayer, Vivekananda Huddar,HOD Mechanical dept has proposed a vote of thanks and Anand Hegde and Dhanyashree compered the programme.