Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced on Wednesday that the State government would construct Haj Bhavans in Mangalore and Gulbarga for the convenience of pilgrims from those regions.
Speaking at the inauguration of the flights for Haj pilgrims in the city, Siddaramaiah said the government had already identified land for the buildings and would finalise the project at the earliest.
“In Mangalore, three acres of land is available. The State government is committed towards constructing the Bhavans,” he said. Siddaramaiah said the construction of the Haj Bhavan in Yelahanka is underway and that Rs 10 crore had been allocated for the purpose in this year’s budget.
Siddaramaiah claimed that the law and order situation in the State had improved after the Congress government came to power. “We will not allow any sort of communal violence to happen. The government will provide protection to all the minority communities and no one needs to fear,” he said.