
Yenapoya Moiddin Kunji is the role model: Dr. B. M. Heggde

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Mangalore, Nov. 16: Yenapoya Moiddin Kunji is the role model to the present generation said Padmabhushan Dr. B. M. Heggde.

He spoke at the YMK memorial lecturer programme at Yenapoya School.

The education which doesn’t teach humanity and compassion is really waste. There should be changes in the education system he added.

The principal Dr. C.K. Manjunath welcomed. The administrative director Farhad Yenapoya gave introduction about the Yenapoya education institution and Yenapoya Moiddin Kunji. Rajyotsava award holder Harekala Hajabba was felicitated by the president of Yenapoya group Y. Mohammad Kunji.

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