Mangalore: Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) Kulshekar Unit on behalf of Good Friday distributed fruits to wenlock hospital at children ward. Mangalore city Corporation Hon. Mayor Mahabala Marla distributed fruits to the children and He said that: I knew Catholic Sabha Kulshekar unit is doing lots of good work from past so many years. Since Today all over the world all Christians are celebrating Good Friday, by doing fasting , Prayers, and Social work, Hence I really appreciate today what Catholic Sabah is serving to the patients that Jesus had done in the past.
Hence, my request for all the associations to serve the needy and poor. He said that the doctors and staffs are treating the patients with good care and also appreciated the cleanliness of the hospital. Therefore, people coming from all over Karnataka to our district and they feel comfort and healthy which is great proud to us. President Mrs. Edna Noronha welcomed and Secretary Shantha D’souza proposed vote of thanks . On this occasion RMO Irappa, Nursing superintendent Janaki, Nursing Tutor Prescilla Noronha and Catholic sabha Founder President M.P.Noronha , Cordel Parish Council Secretery Michael D’souza, Past president Alban Pinto, Leo Mascarenhes, Sushil noronha and office bearers Maria D’Souza, Alphonse D’souza, Swebert D’souza, Irene D’cunha and all members were presented.