
56th AGM of Goregaon Karnataka Sangha held

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Mumbai : The 56th Annual General body meeting of Goregaon Karnataka Sangha was held on 8th June under the president ship of Ramesh Shetty Payyar, president of the Sangha.

Vice President of the Sangha Laxmi R. Shetty welcomed the gathering.

Hon. Gen. Secretary Veda M. Suvarna presented the annual report and Hon. Treasurer Narayan R. Mendon presented the audited statement of accounts.

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The members who were presented unanimously re elected Ramesh Shetty Payyar as the president and Laxmi R. Shetty as Vice president of Goregaon Karnataka Sangha for the year 2014 – 15 along with the committee members.

Ex presidents, Trustees of the Sangha and also the Chairmen and Chairpersons of various subcommittees and its members also present in the meeting. Meeting was concluded with vote of thanks by Hon. Gen. Secretary Veda M. Suvarna.\
By Ishwar M. Ail

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