Mumbai: Salman Khan is infamous for his unforgiving streak. It’s no news that almost all leading ladies, from Anushka Sharma to Priyanka Chopra to Sonam Kapoor are craving to be cast opposite Salman Khan. Deepika Padukone, who is ruling the box office these days, had expressed a desire in the past to work with him. Probably that’s why the news about Salman-Deepika being signed by Yash Raj Films for Ali Abbas Zafar’s Mustafa made headlines. Their rock steady commercial viability makes it a casting coup of sorts.
While YRF continues to work on the pre production of the film, leading lady Deepika Padukone has denied being approached for the Salman starrer. “Deepika is busy with Happy New Year, Imtiaz Ali’s next and Finding Fanny Fernandes. She hasn’t met anyone for any new film. She hasn’t been approached for Ali Abbas Zafar’s Salman Khan film,” says Deepika’s spokesperson.
A section of people from the unit insist that the film is very much on. “We’re waiting for Salman to allot us bulk dates. Until then everyone from the team has been asked to not make any official comment on it.” Recently, Deepika had turned down an item number in the Salman starrer Kick and was in talks for Sooraj Barjatya’s film Bade Bhaiyya, that failed to materialise.
The buzz that has been doing the rounds is that DP’s choosy nature seems to have upset Salman. “Probably he is keeping Deepika and their film on hold. That could be his way of showing his clout. Now the ball is in Salman’s court. Any further development will happen only after Khan gives a green signal,” say sources close to Salman.