Bangalore: Lokayukta officials on Wednesday conducted raids on seven premises belonging to two government employees in Uttara Kannada district, unearthing illegal assets to the tune of Rs 1.5 crore.
The accused officials are Ashok Ramakrishna Bhat, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Mundgod, Uttara Kannada and Mahesh Bairam Palekar, lineman, Town Panchayat office, Honnavar, Uttara Kannada.
Simultaneous raids were carried out on the seven premises in Mundgod and Honnavar.
Lokayukta police said when they raided the premises of Bhat, they found records of immovable properties worth Rs 75 lakh.
Mahesh Bairam Palekar was found to be owning immovable properties worth Rs 36.60 lakh and movable properties were estimated to be worth Rs 4.66 lakh.