Issues pertaining to the eight-decade-old Kannada film industry echoed in the Legislative Council on Friday. Actor-turned politicians Tara and Jaggesh of BJP raised questions on the delay in developing the film city and sponsorship for films shot in tourist places.
Ms. Tara tabled two reports of the Legislature Committee on Women and Child Development, headed by Shakuntala Shetty, which made recommendations on the plight of film theatre and TV artistes. She recommended increase in honorarium for artistes, free sites, bus passes at concessional rates, benefits under the Labour Act to technicians and artistes, providing safety and security for women during shooting of films and construction of Janata Theatres in major cities.
Minister for Tourism R.V. Deshpande assured the film industry of considering the issue of sponsoring films shot in tourist locations. There are 319 tourist locations in the State and the Information Department gives permits for shooting in these spots. Despite this, the government does not sponsor films that are being shot there. “Government will certainly consider the issue of sponsorship,” he said.
Information Minister R. Roshan Baig also assured Mr. Jaggesh of leaving no stone unturned to set up a film city on the land earmarked for it in the Hesaraghatta area.
But, Mr. Jaggesh argued that the film industry lacks a modern film city. Reacting to the actor’s concerns, Mr. Baig said there was a proposal to develop a film city and theme park on 302.12 acres of land, which was under the custody of Kanteerava Studio. But, there was a court stay on the use of the land. “Once the stay is vacated, the government will do everything to develop the film city,” he said.
(The Hind)