Malkish, a niche of state-of-the-art studio of jewellery design and manufacturing, has introduced a new jewellery collection at ‘India International Jewellery Week.’ Bollywood’s beautiful actresses Chitrangada Singh and Karishma Kapoor added glamour at the exhibition. Chitrangada looked her demure best in an off white and gold Anarkali ensemble paired with stunning earrings. During the exhibition Chitrangada Singh and Karishma Kapoor visited Malkish Jewels and praised their unique collection of Jewellery. Chitrangada Singh took a close look at the Jwellery and hand-picked the pieces which caught her fancy. She said, “I love Jewellery though minimalistic but I’m extremely fond of style statement pieces and Malkish had it all.”
Owner of Malkish Jewellers Dev Balani said, “It was glad moment for us that bollywood actresses Chitraganda Singh and Karishma Kapoor visited our exhibition. They have appreciated our work. I am supplier and exporter of diamond jewellery and especially concentrate on crafting heavy bridal jewellery. These bridal jewels glitter the bride and make the moment special”
Bollywood actress Karishma Kapoor went through the exquisite pieces designed by Malkish Jewels and was floored by their beauty. Bollywood ace Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar was also seen praising the work done by Dev Balani.
Malkish was established in 1979 by founder Mr. Balani, as a quest to immortalize art by interweaving it in the zone of jewels. Defining itself as serious connoisseur of art, its creations carry a glimpse of art backed with an understanding of heritage. A spate of jewellery exhibitions across the globe have made Malkish popular among celebrities, business entrepreneurs, builders and corporate heads in the Far East, Spain and USA.