Kundapur, August 21: On Wednesday August 20th, a group of students from a reputed college fought outside the college campus, over a petty issue. Another group of youths from outside joined them in the fight, led to the hospitalization of four students.
It is reported that, a minor tension between the students had led to fight between two groups making one group assault the other. The other group retaliated by calling youths from outside the college to join the fight. The group was waiting with sticks and cycle chains outside the college campus.
As the group which assaulted in the beginning started to come out of the college, the group waiting outside assaulted them. Four students among both the groups are admitted to Kundapur government hospital.
Responding to the incident, Police circle inspector P M Diwakar said that in order to maintain concord, both police staffs including policewomen will be posted outside the college campus from Thursday onwards.