
Kuwait: KCWA holds General Body Meeting

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Kuwait: Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) held its General Body Meeting on Friday, 28th February 2025 at Indian School of Excellence, Salmiya. The meeting commenced at 6:30 pm with the opening prayer led by Alban Dsouza.

President Naveen Valerian Mascarenhas heartily welcomed the gathering and expressed his gratitude to all members for their love and encouragement. In his message, he mentioned that the current committee term comes to an end and a new Managing Committee has to be formed for the year 2025-27. He requested members with God given talents and skills to come forward and apply for appropriate positions to form an energetic Executive Committee. Also, he requested all Mangalorean’s to become a member of KCWA.

Various Reports were presented by Managing Committee and approved by the members present. Reena Pereira presented Minutes of last GBM and Deepak Andrade presented the Activity Report. Finance, Membership and Education Fund reports were presented by Praveen Fernandes, Sylvia D Costa and Veena Serrao respectively.

Cultural activity & Sports activity report was presented by Prashanth Ferrao and Prakash Pinto respectively, whilst they updated the events. Website and Social Media updates were presented by Allan D Souza.

KCWA Spiritual Director Fr. Avil Rosario started his speech with a word of God from Hebrews 10:24,25 and let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds. not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and this all the more as you see the day approaching.

He emphasized the importance of not just offering suggestions but also providing support. It’s clear that the success of all the activities carried out this term is due to the support from all members and God’s blessings. God has gifted us with talents, and by using them, we can multiply those talents. The KCWA motto focuses on pursuing education for underprivileged children and through this we seek God’s blessings, as he stated.

KCWA Managing Committee Elections for the term 2025-2027 are due in the month of March,2025. Alwyn Noronha, Lavina Furtado and Naveen Valerian Mascarenhas were selected for the Election Commission. President Naveen Mascarenhas briefed the gathering about the election procedures and requested talented and committed members to join the Managing Committee to take KCWA for greater heights. The Elections for various posts in Managing Committee shall be held on 28th March, 2025.

Kevin Dsouza and Sylvia D Costa conducted the Lucky Draw for the members present at the venue before the beginning of the meeting and winner picked by KCWA Spiritual Director Fr. Avil Rosario. Praveen Menezes, membership#1470 emerged as the Lucky Winner. KCWA Managing Committee member Alban Dsouza was honored with a bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation for achieving the highest collection for the event Sparsh XXV. The Konkani class teacher Maria Rinna Dsouza provided a brief overview of the Maibhas classes conducted by KCWA.

Harry Fernandes proposed the vote of thanks and led the closing prayer. Vice President, Arun Jossy Dsouza was the moderator. Alban D Souza captured the event through his skills in photography supported by Prashanth Ferrao. Projector was provided by Alban D Souza. Allan D Souza and Harry Fernandes animated the presentation. Sound system was provided by Anand Dsouza.

Delicious dinner was served to all present at the GBM which was prepared and served by KCWA members from Abbasiya Parish led by Ivan Tauro and supported by Oswald & Lavina Furtado, Ashok & Sunita Dias, Lancy Pais and Arwin & Crystal Rodrigues. We also thank the management of Indian School of Excellence, Salmiya for providing the venue to hold the meeting.

KCWA Managing committee would like to express their sincere gratitude to members for attending the GBM and sharing their valuable thoughts and constructive suggestions. Around 110 members with their families were present.

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