New Delhi: The BCCI on Wednesday submitted before the Supreme Court a list of individuals with conflicts of interests. The apex court had earlier asked for the names from the Indian cricket board in which former players Sunil Gavaskar, Ravi Shastri, Kris Srikkanth, Sourav Ganguly, Lalchand Rajput and Venkatesh Prasad figured.
Moreover, the Supreme Court continuing the hearing on Wednesday has reserved the order on N Srinivasan’s future and also the fate of Chennai Super Kings (CSK). In regard to the conflict of interest issue, the apex court questioned Srikkanth about how as a national selector, he was able to held stakes in the CSK franchise simultaneously.
“Apart from CSK, is there any other team which is run by an administrator and why? Give us a list of all contracts which will fall because of striking down Rule 6.2.4,” the SC had asked the BCCI on Tuesday.
The rule 6.2.4 was amended in September 2008, which enabled office bearers, administrators, players and others to have a commercial interest in the IPL. This amendment also facilitated Srinivasan in buying the CSK franchise.