Corinth was one of the most punctual urban areas in Greece to issue coins, after Aigina and Argos. Until the mid 7th century Corinth was utilizing the coinage of Argos and stroked her own, under Kypselos.
The coins were indicating on the face the city’s image Pegasos with the letter koppa (the obsolete letter for K) and on the opposite an indented example (the alleged “colts”, poloi).
Periander cut a huge measure of coins again with Pegasos and on the converse a Swastik.
Amid the 6th century BC and later they utilized additionally Athena, the goddess of wisdom or Sarswati in hinduism.
From 415 BC, they additionally utilized letters and different images, for example, weapons, shields, and creatures, among them, dolphin, pig, honey bee, chicken, hawk