The crime branch has traced another person allegedly involved in a smear campaign against actor Aamir Khan’s television show Satyamev Jayate. In March this year, the actor had met the joint commissioner of police (crime) Sadanand Date and spoken to him about circulation of “false and malicious messages” about him and his show.
Date had then asked the Cyber Crime Investigation Cell (CCIC) of the crime branch to look into the matter. The investigation revealed that the smear campaign was committed in three parts.
“In the first part, a malicious blog was written through which negative publicity of the show was done. In that case, we traced the suspect Ajit Vadakayil, 58, a retired captain of the merchant navy from Kerala. Vadakayil admitted to have written the alleged post in 2010-11. He also claimed that he had done some research on the issue before posting it on social media. However, he later realised that his research was wrong and regretted having written the post. Vadakayil was arrested in April and a chargesheet was filed against him.”
As per sources, in the second part, malicious and derogatory comments were posted about the funds generated through SMSes sent on the number given on the show. “The accused had stated on social media that money generated from the show was being used for the funding of wrong institutions. In this case, we have traced a 32-year old suspect from Udaipur, Rajasthan. He is a commerce graduate and a Hindu hardliner. His father is retired. We will soon be placing him under arrest in this case,” said the officer.
In the third part, a malicious interview of Khan was published on a website, which the actor claimed he never gave. The police are yet to trace the culprit.
Khan had reacted on the issue through Facebook. “False and malicious messages are circulating through various electronic media including WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks alleging that donations are being sought in my television program Satyamev Jayate Season 2, in relation to an entity which claims to be working in the field of Masjid Construction Assistance and placement assistance for Islamic youngsters,” Khan had said.
Khan had further stated that Satyamev Jayate Season 1 one was associated with Humanity Trust, Hanspukur, West Bengal, which is a charitable hospital run by Dr Ajoy Mistry and his mother Subhashini Mistry. “All donations are used for deserving and secular causes, contrary to the content of the highly mischievous/malicious insinuations in the messages, being circulated by vested and unscrupulous interests,” Khan had said.