There are two noteworthy Bollywood movies releasing this Friday – ‘The Shaukeens’ starring Lisa Haydon, Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor and Piyush Mishra and ‘Rang Rasiya’ starring Randeep Hooda and Nandana Sen. ‘The Shaukeens’ also has Akshay Kumar in a special appearance reprising himself.
Between the two, ‘The Shaukeens’ has been promoted well be it TV or the on-site promotions. The movie is the remake of the 1982 cult-classic comedy entertainer ‘Shaukeen’, written and directed by Basu Chatterjee. The movie had Ashok Kumar, Utpal Dutt, AK Hangal, Rati Agnihotri and Mithun Chakraborty playing the lead roles. It was well appreciated by the audiences and critics alike. Lisa Haydon reprises Rati Agnihotri’s act in this one and is being accepted well. Her character is besotted with Akshay Kumar in the movie. The trio – Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor and Piyush Mishra – seems to be fun as far as the trailers of the movie go.
The initial reviews have started pouring in and the movie promises to be a fun watch.
A total contrast to this comic entertainer is ‘Rang Rasiya’, the biopic based on a novel of the infamous, avant-garde 19th century painter Raja Ravi Verma. Infamous because his creations were associated with his physical affection in a time of puritan values and he gave faces to the Gods he painted quite scandalously. Talented actor Randeep Hooda plays the painter, while Nandana Sen plays his muse. The promotions of the movie had picked up in the last 10-15 days, where the actors also talked about the nudity in the movie.
The movie has been waiting its release for six years now but that’s not going to affect its performance at the box office as the movie is a period film. It’s initial reviews have immensely praised Randeep Hooda’s acting in the movie. The movie can be expected to earn good critical reviews and a better word of mouth.
We guess, it’s all about the glamour and fun v/s history and intrigue on the weekend. It remains to be seen, however, whether these movies are able to steer clear off the dragon by the name of ‘Happy New Year’ and make their mark on the ticket counters.