It has been quite a while since Sandalwood Queen Ramya AKA Divya Spandana has been seen in Bengaluru. She has not been active on her Facebook page and Twitter account either. A lot has been written about the missing queen bee of Sandalwood in the tabloids.
Reports claimed that Ramya is in London. There were another set of unconfirmed reports saying that she will permanently shift her base to London soon. The actress has made no statement regarding her whereabouts to the media. Even the closest associates claim that they are not in touch with Ramya.
Ramya had recently vacated her room in Taj West End in Bengaluru. It is said that she had moved to London to pursue higher studies and that her mother will also be shifting for London. However, unconfirmed reports suggest that Ramya will back in Bengaluru by December.
The reports claim that Ramya’s mother has spoken about her daughter being away from London. She has said that by the end of November or December the actress will be back in Bengaluru. Her last movie Aryan was a disaster at the box office. So will she make a come back soon?