Post their official divorce, estranged couple Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan, apparently for the first time, attended the same event recently in Mumbai. It was the announcement of a tie-up between jewellery brand Tanishq and Sussanne’s sister and jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali, that brought the ex husband and wife together under the same roof.
While the two avoided from being clicked together, Hrithik happily posed with his former sister-in-law Farah, for the media. His equation with Sussanne’s family at the event certainly proved that their separation has indeed not affected the bond that they share with each other’s families.
Sometime back too, Hrithik lent his support to Sussanne’s brother and actor Zayed Khan when he launched Zayed’s upcoming film.
Click further to see when Duggu mingled with his former in-laws yet again!