With Sanjay Dutt currently serving time in prison, his family has obviously been missing him. In his absence, wife Manyata Dutt attended a screening of his latest release Ungli with their four-year-old twins, Shahraan and Iqra.
When Iqra spotted a standee of Sanjay at the venue, she ran towards it. A source says, “She didn’t notice it while entering the theatre, but when she saw it during the interval, she ran to it. Iqra hugged and kissed the standee, and onlookers say they saw her smiling at it. It was an emotional sight for Manyata as well as fans of the actor who were present at the venue.”
Apparently, Manyata had travelled back from Dubai for this screening when she found out that it was being hosted especially for Sanjay’s fans.
“She wanted to witness the affection that they have for him,” says an insider, adding, “Manyata was heard saying that at first, Iqra didn’t want to attend the screening. She was convinced only when she learnt that Sanjay was in the movie. And while she doesn’t usually sit through movies till the end, she watched this one fully.”