Mumbai: Keeping his character from his upcoming film PK a secret, Aamir Khan tried to dodge each question about the film’s content. With an element of surprise and intrigue surrounding PK, Aamir answers everything except PK related questions in an interview.
The three Khans finally had a happy reunion at the 21 year celebrations of ‘Aap Ki Adalat’ and their sparkling camaraderie fuelled reports of Aamir planning a special screening of PK for Salman and Shah Rukh.
But in an interview, he clearly denied such rumours. “I have not planned anything special for Salman or Shah Rukh. Rather, we are not planning to have any screening for anyone until the release because we want the people to witness the film in a theatre and having a screening would only lead to the plot being leaked before the release. We don’t want anyone’s experiences to be spoiled hence we will keep the curiosity alive and have no special screening for anyone outside the cast and crew who have worked on the film”, Aamir clarified!