Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is often seen reciting his late father Harivanshrai Bachchan’s poetry, says he regrets not getting enough time with him to understand his feelings and philosophy. “I think that the time I spent with my father was not enough as he was a very busy man. I wish I had spent more time with him to understand his thoughts,” the actor said at a session of Agenda Aaj Tak.
Talking about father and son relationship, the actor states that the bond he had with Harivanshrai was very different from what he and his son Abhishek share. The 72-year-old actor also mentioned that though he had very little interaction with his father, with time, things became better.
“He was a very strict man. We did not talk much. But with age and time the relationship grew stronger as we started understanding each other. But in the case of Abhishek, I have always treated him as my friend and will continue to do so,” he said.
Nostalgia was in the air with the actor reciting some phrases from his father’s poem Madhushala. Amitabh also walked through different stages of life while reciting some lines from several poems — be it determination, the rush of life or motivation.
Meanwhile, the actor has wrapped up shooting of Piku and is currently busy with Wazir.