Mumbai: Rohit Shetty might have started shooting for his upcoming Christmas release Dilwale in Mumbai, but soon he’s flying abroad. “Rohit and the Dilwale team will be camping in Cape Town for their next schedule”, source close to the director confirmed. Like his other films, Dilwale too will have some hi-fi action scenes- four of which will be shot in Cape Town itself.
Rohit, in a recent interview also confirmed the development. “There is a lot of action in this film and there are four big action sequences overseas. I want to do it in Cape Town because I am familiar with the team there due to the Khatron Ke Khiladi shoots. So I am familiar with Cape Town. At present, everything is in the planning stage but we are likely to shoot in Cape Town”.
Shah Rukh, in a previous interview with us had also informed that Dilwale will have some never-seen-before action sequences which is way beyond his own imagination. But the Cape Town schedule is not taking off immediately, the director said in the interview to boxofficeindia. “We are planning to shoot in Cape Town, Abu Dhabi and Mauritius but only after I complete the Goa schedule. My whole team and my unit are very happy that we will all be going abroad for a long schedule, not a small one. For me, it is a requirement of the script and that’s why I am going”, Rohit said.