Alia Bhatt made her Bollywood debut in 2012 with Karan Johar’s Student Of The Year and since then there has been not looking back for the actress. She portrayed a young, rich girl in her debut film and then a vibrant and free-spirited girl in 2 States and Highway. However, the 22-year-old Alia Bhatt says Udta Punjab is a “risk” she has taken in her career.
For her, Udta Punjab is the “hardest character I have played till date”.
“The film that I am doing right now (‘Udta Punjab’) is a big risk that I have taken so far in my career,” Alia said here Monday during the launch of debut edition of Miss Vogue magazine.
“I still can’t talk about the film but it is definitely the hardest film, hardest character that I have played till date,” added the actress, who showed her bubbly side in films like “Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania”.
Buzz has it that Alia will apparently be seen in the role of a hockey player in the film.
Alia Bhatt will star opposite Shahid Kapoor in Udta Punjab. The film also stars Kareena Kapoor and Punjabi actor and singer Diljit Dosanjh, which deals with the growing drug addiction in the state.