Mumbai: After one hectic week running in and out of court, Salman Khan is finally a free man. The actor was granted bail and his 5-year jail sentence was suspended by the Bombay high court. Though the actor breathed a sigh of relief, he hasn’t taken a break from his work. He is expected to resume his shoot for Kabir Khan’s ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ today in Kashmir.
The actor will shoot for 5 days reports stated. Salman arrived at Srinagar airport early this morning, but to avoid the shutterbugs his security team whisked him out through the cargo gate. He was reportedly then taken straight to his hotel room, and after freshning up left for Sonmarg where the shoot is currently underway.
According to a report in DNA Salman will be shooting for a special song which is titled ‘Selfie’. The song is said to be the actor’s introductory song in the film, and it has been choreographed by Remo D’souza.
Remo was quoted as saying, “It’s a big number. We shot at a special set erected for five days. Salman plays the character of Bajrangi, a desi aadmi, but the song has the word selfie in it because it is very popular today. Pritam has composed it differently, it’s not a typical Indian song. In fact, it will be a surprise for the audiences. You’ll see Salman dancing throughout non-stop, not walking across or anything like that.”
Salman has worked with Remo in the past as well. It will be interesting to see Salman grooving to this ‘selfie song’,