Despite Priyanka Chopra’s efforts to set things right with Ajay Devgn, the latter seems to have nothing in the offing for the actress. It all started when PeeCee was just about setting foot in Bollywood. The actress had walked out of a film in which Ajay was playing the lead role. The film got shelved and Ajay blamed Priyanka for the losses. The duo hasn’t worked together since.
“But a decade after the incident, the two patched things up in a very low-profile manner with Ajay announcing that he had no qualms about working with the actress,” says a source.
Despite the patch-up, the two haven’t been able to share screen space. “Priyanka is one of the top actresses in B’wood and Ajay is known to be a bankable actor. PC is hoping that Ajay and his filmmakers will rustle up a script that will bring the two on celluloid. But there has been no development on that front,” adds the source.
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