Mumbai: In an interview to Zee News actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has said that she would make a comeback soon and that too with husband Abhishek Bachchan. “Yes, I would want to do a film soon. Abhishek and I have been approached by many directors. We have okayed a couple of movies, but I cannot say which one will be released first,” Aishwarya said.
Recently, there were reports that the couple would be teaming up for producer Gaurang Doshi’s Bollywood comeback venture Happy Anniversary. However, Aishwarya refused to name her comeback film. Reports suggest that Aishwarya and Abhishek could be in this film for Prahlad Kakkar who had launched Aishwarya Rai.
While Jaya Bachchan had bid goodbye to her career after her marriage with Amitabh, there has been speculation that marriage and family responsibilities may come in the way of Ash’s return to Bollywood. Have Ash and Abhishek made any commitment that one of them will stay with daughter Aradhya, as some reports have suggested? “No, these are mere rumours,” Ash quipped. “Of course, family responsibilities are life-long commitments, but these would not come in the way of us doing our next film. You shall see us together in a film soon, but I can’t say which one will be the first.”