New Delhi, November 13: Actor-turned-Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan will make her small screen debut in a fiction show on Sony TV, shortly. The show produced by Endemol will go on air in 2014, and will see the veteran star in a strong character. Jaya has earlier been associated with TV as a producer and an anchor; this show will mark her first outing as an actor of a daily soap.
“The show is based on a very strong subject and will have Jaya playing a prominent character. Though the storyline is under wraps but it will be based on a new theme and will not be run- of- the mill,” a source said.
In the past, Jaya had produced the sitcom Dekh Bhai Dekh under the banner Saraswati Audio and Visuals Ltd, which has since merged with Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Ltd ( ABCL).
The year 2014 will mark the appearance of the Bachchan couple on daily soaps.
Amitabh Bachchan is currently shooting for a daily, directed by Anurag Kashyap, in which he portrays the role of a construction baron.
The show which is reportedly inspired by American telly drama The Sopranos is jointly produced by Bachchan’s Saraswati Creations and Endemol.
Amitabh recently shared the picture of his look in the show on Facebook and wrote,” At the shoot today there were wild and desperate attempts to make me look 20 years younger for a sequence that desired it so… this is for my TV serial.” After wrapping up KBC season 7, Big B has been focusing on the shooting of the show which is about a rich extended business family, and how they deal with their share of complications in life and relationships.