Bangalore: Hattrick hero Shivaraj Kumar aka Shivanna, who is basking in the success of Kaddi Puddi, is back with Bhajarangi. The actor kick-started the year with Lakshmi, Andhar Bahar and Kaddi Pudi. Now he will now be seen in the fourth movie Bhajarangi. Aindrita Ray, who was seen in a small role in Kaddi Pudi, is paired opposite Centurion Star for the first time.
Director Harsha, who has made the action thrillers like Gelaya, Birugaali and Chinagari, has joined hands with Karunada Chakravarthy Shivanna for the first time. Even before its release, Bhajarangi had created a huge buzz with sensational hit of audio and satellite rights, which was sold for a record price. The trailer was the only thing, which received mixed response.
After many years, Shivaraj Kumar is seen in the dual role – grand-father and a grand-son. Actress Harini is paired opposite the senior, and sexy siren Aindrita Ray plays the love interest to grand-son. Shivaraj Kumar also sported long hairs for the father’s role and six pack abs for the son’s role.
Few minutes after the introduction song, the movie seems to be influenced from Duniya Vijay’s recent release Jayammana Maga, later it takes a different turn. Bhajarangi also promises to be far better than its trailer on-screen.
love u shivanna
sandelwood king shivanna
super shivanna….