Mumbai: While Bollywood celebrities like Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone choose to celebrate the New Year in India their southern counterparts like Amala Paul, Haniska Motwane among others are all with their international itineraries.
Priyanka Chopra, who was holidaying with her brother Siddharth and mother Madhu Chopra, returned to the country today. Priyanka tweeted: All good things must come to an end. My thoughts as I head back home for work..need another vacation!now I know y pple take holidays!!(ting)
Meanwhile actress Deepika Padukone is also expected back in India in some time.
Whereas southern actress Priyamani, who was seen in ‘1,2,3,4 get on the dance floor’ song in Shah Rukh Khan’s “Chennai Express”, recently left for Bangkok and plans to celebrate her New Year in Koh Samui.
She tweeted: “Off to Bangkok tonite!and then to Koh Samui!!!!excited!!!!!yayyyyy!!!New Year vacations start from now!!!!!bwahahaha.”
On December 28 Priyamani tweeted: Off to Koh Samui!!!!had an awesome day at the tiger temple!!!!will post pics soon.
She also said: Awesome day!!!!went to 2 waterfalls….KHOWYAI waterfall and not sure of the other one!!!!beautiful hiking trails!!!
Actress Hansika Motwani is currently holidaying in New York, will celebrate the New Year with her friends there.
The 22-year old actress tweeted: “New York is a dichotomy of a city. All the hustle, bustle and yet an underlying layer of loneliness.” According to reports, Hansika goes on a vacation with her close friends, every year during this time.
However, Hansika’s boyfriend actor STR Simbu has no plans for the New Years! He tweeted: “Done with shoot and totally free for a week.. 1st time ever no plans for new year 🙁 invisible mode on…tc guys and have a safe new year :)”