In an unanticipated new development in the Indian Film and TV industry, UAE based Aries group of companies’ BizTV wing has taken over the management of actor Mohanlal’s Vismayas Max Studios. In the process, the company which will now be known as ‘Aries-Vismayas Max’ would become the largest film and TV studio network in South India.
Kerala state’s first DTS studio, Vismayas Max, headquartered in Trivandrum with a branch at Cochin, was set up by popular Indian actor Mohan Lal. Vismayas Max with animation, pre and post production works has catered to more than hundred Indian movies in various languages. Meanwhile, Aries Group of Company’s BizTV Network is a well-known media company with three 3D movies, two Global TV channels and hundreds of International advertisements along with twenty Oscars qualification credits to it.
Headed by business tycoon, Sohan Roy, Aries has branches all over the world. Sohan Roy, for his part, alongside the interests in Maritime Industry, Visual Media and Film Production, is also the co-producer and project designer of director Rupesh Paul’s international project ‘Kamasutra 3D’. Talking of the merger, Sohan Roy said, “Through Aries-Vismayas Max project we are opening the doors of International Movie/TV/Advertisement market to the India Film /Media community. There’s a long a way to go.”
Reportedly, Mohan Lal will continue as the brand ambassador of ‘Aries-Vismayas Max’.