Mumbai: Now that Singham Returns has been wrapped up, Rohit Shetty is gearing up to make a film for Shah Rukh Khan, his second one after the massive blockbuster Chennai Express. The film will also star Arjun kapoor and Varun Dhawan and it will be an out-and-out comedy caper.
A source close to the project said, “It’s a pure comedy with a strong emotional core — classic Rohit Shetty territory. We have zeroed in on Varun Dhawan and Arjun Kapoor to play Shah Rukh’s younger brothers.”
The mega-budget film will take off after the release of SRK’s Happy New Year. It being a high-budget film, Rohit has already started working on the pre-production. After the success of Chennai Express, SRK and Rohit seem to work in perfect tandem. Considering how successful that film turned out to be, the actor-director duo have a task at hand.
“It’s a challenge as they have to ensure that their film is bigger than that. We haven’t decided on the female lead yet but a formal announcement will be made soon,” say close sources.