Thiya samaj UAE blissfuly celebrated Durga Pooja

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Photo: Ashok Belman

Thiya samaj UAE, one of the prominent community organizations in the UAE successfully celebrated Durga Pooja at Sindhi Ceremony Hall Dubai on 25 September 2014.

Durga Pooja started by lighting of lamps by the Sumangalies followed by Bhajan Sankeerthana by Mogaveers UAE’s Bhajan Mandali and supported by newly formed Jai Shree Krishna Bhajan mandali.  Vivekananda and Jasmitha couple represented Thiya samaj UAE for the Durga Pooja vidhis on behalf of devotees in the colorfully decorated mantap.

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The Maha Mangalarathi and Pooja was systematically and traditionally performed by Shri Raghu Bhat .The organizers arranged color sketch competition for children which attracted many and hence  active participation of little tiny tots was observed. Later winners were honoured with prizes by Premjith, Secretary of Thiya Samaj UAE.

The other community leaders and office bearers graced the occassion with their valuable presence. Bhajan created perfect devotional environment by singing various bhajans throughout pooja , Sachin from Mogaveers UAE’s Bhajan Mandali and Guru Prasad from Jai Shree Krishna Bhajan Mandali were  honoured by Manish Karkera, President of Thiya Samaj UAE.

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Also Jagadish Kadri of Eurotech and Media representatives were felicitated for their tremendous support and contribution for success of the pooja. Further Mahaprasadam was distributed to all the devotees on the occassion. All the senior membes and committee members equally participated and contributed for pooja under guidelines of Roshan Bolar, Yogesh Ullal, Rajeev Billawa , Bisajakshi and others.

Dharmendra Bangera, one of senior members systematically compared programme. Thiya Samaj UAE extended their sincere thanks to all the devotees, members and supporters for the grand success of Durga pooja 2014.

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