Dubai Jan 2: Emirates India Fraternity Forum-Dubai sector organized a program to expatriate Indians on life and message of Prophet Muhammad (SWAS) at Musallah tower Bur Duabi, on 2nd January, 2015 on the occasion of Rabi-ul-Awwal Month.
The program started with reciting verses of holy Quran by Mr. Abdul Razak Salethur, followed with welcome address by Mr. Naveed kundapur.
Mr. Ashraf Machar, in his key address on ‘Prophet Muhammad and his Message’ stressed importance of the Teachings and Life style of Prophet Mohammad (SWAS). The Holy Prophet, Sall-Allahualayhiwasallam, came with the eternal truth of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah), the only faith which provides a firm basis for the real concepts of knowledge, equity and peace. It was this faith which delivered humanity from ignorance and superstitions and spread the light of true knowledge all over the world.
Present situation of the world were the people are suffering due to discrimination, fascism, bribery, illiteracy, double standard of administration etc., even Muslim community also bare same reasonability as others.
Currently Muslims love with prophet (pbuh) is limited to teachings than practical, therefore to overcome this situation we have to strive & struggle as prophet & his companions did in their life.
The recent incidents in India are mainly because we have forgotten the teaching of our prophet Mohammad (SWAS) and left behind his life style. The whole world is celebrating and conducting programs about Prophet Mohammad (SWAS) in the month of Rabi’ul-Awwal but our mission should not limit to only one month but it should continue throughout our life time.