
Colour connections with healing

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14colourJayesh Modi, a seven-year-old, was recently diagnosed with jaundice. His affluent Gujarati family wasted no time in getting the best medical help. But what really worked for Modi was a simple alternative therapy: the light immersion technique. Modi forms a niche group of people who are now realising the importance of what has so far been a mysterious form of healing—chromotherapy.

This technique uses colours and light immersions for healing. Professors at the University of Balochistan, Quetta, Samina Yousuf Azmeeni and Mohsin Raza in an analysis of chromotherapy in the journal Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine explained its process. “All organs and limbs of the body have their own distinct colour. All organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonises with the frequencies of these colours. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly. The vibratory rates inherent in the vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern found in the body,” they said.

Dr Praveen Gupta, Head, Neurology, Artemis Hospital, New Delhi says, “Chromotherapy is based on the fact that various lights have definitive energy bands and are linked to various organs of the body, and can help to heal them. The body has been divided into seven chakras or seven colours. For instance, it begins with the colour red going up to the head where violet is present. Their effects are also varied. Here, red works for vegetative functioning of the body, green is the centre around the heart and violet and blue represent psychiatric energy or spiritual energy or the cognitive energy of the body.” He says this form of alternative therapy provides light to specific organs of the body, in order to heal them.

“This form of therapy has no side-effects. It can heal cataract, leukemia, depression, anxiety and panic, among other things. But it has so far only been used as a supportive treatment. But let us not forget that there is definite interest in its scientific principles across the globe,” says Gupta.

An interesting study that defines the reasons behind anxiety or mental disorders explains that changes in the biological clock (Cicardian rhythm) leads to neurohormonal imbalance causing psychiatric disorders. Croatian forensic psychiatrists in their paper published in the Collegium Antropologicum journal suggest that “Chromotherapy can regulate neurohormonal balance in human brain by activating or inhibiting complex physiological, biological and biochemical processes in human brain such as synthesis of various neurohormones”.

Gupta explains, “It is primarily based on the Einstein theory that body has an energy correlate outside it and if this energy correlate is brought in contact with the organ, it can actually heal the body. This includes all forms of psychiatric, mental or personality disorders.”

While different colours have different frequencies and respond differently when applied to body parts, a few pointers could help next time you feel ‘blue.’ For instance, the colour orange is best for people suffering from digestive ailments and those with weak immune systems. Red works for increasing blood circulation and stimulating the body and mind. Consumption of yellow colored fruits and vegetables energizes the muscles and nerves and is also beneficial from those suffering from paralysis.

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