Hyderabad: Chain-snatchers targeted Telugu actor Sri Lakshmi in broad daylight on Thursday at Yousufguda. Two bike-borne men snatched her 70-gram gold chian while she was getting into her car in a busy street in the afternoon. The actress lodged a complaint with the SR Nagar police. An investigation has been launched.
The incident took place when the actress was getting into her car after purchasing some bakery items in the Yousufguda. “She walked back to her car which was parked in the parking spot near the road. While she was getting inside the vehicle, two men on a bike pulled her gold chain and drove away,” said N. Shankar, the detective inspector of SR Nagar police.
The offenders had vanished into the busy traffic before the victim and the passersby could stop them. The offenders had also covered their faces.
Sri Lakshmi has been active in Tollywood since the 80s and has acted in recent films like Gaganam and Dhoni.