Pune: The last time Sanjay Dutt was at Yerawada Jail, he had taken up carpentry and made a cane chair. He was also at the Pune jail for a brief spell in 2007.
This time, the 53-year-old Bollywwod actor could also choose to do farming, baking or cooking.
Mr Dutt is expected to be taken to Yerawada Jail after he surrenders today and paperwork is completed at the Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai. He has been convicted and sentenced by the Supreme Court to five years in prison in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case for possessing illegal weapons including an AK 56 rifle.
He has served 18 months in jail and has been ordered to serve the remaining 42 months now.
Jail authorities in Pune say they are making no special arrangements for the celebrity convict, though they have promised adequate security for Mr Dutt, who has said he has received threats to his life.
They have also promised to ensure that Mr Dutt does not come in contact with criminals in the jail who might be a threat to him.
Sources at the Yerawada Jail say Mr Dutt could be lodged in the “Anda cell” an egg-shaped cell, half of which is sunk underground. Hard-core criminals or those under threat are lodged there as it is considered one of Yerawada’s most secure cells.
But security has been breached in the Anda cell when an Indian Mujahideen operative Qatil Siddiqui was killed by two Pune gangsters in June 2012.