Bareilly: A seven-year-old boy died on Tuesday after being beaten brutally in a school in Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, allegedly by his teacher. Araj, a nursery student, was allegedly thrashed for not doing his homework and not paying the school fee.
Senior police officer MP Singh said at around 11 am, a teacher allegedly banged Araj’s head against the wall and he started bleeding from his nose. The school authorities allegedly took the boy to a hospital and called his parents, asking them to pick up their son as he was ill.
Araj was unconscious when his parents arrived and died soon. A post mortem report says he died of severe head injuries.
Residents of Nankara village, where Araj stayed with his parents, protested outside a police station demanding the school principal’s arrest. An FIR or police complaint has been filed against the school’s manager but no one has been arrested yet.