Maruti Suzuki has launched its new car model – Celerio ZXi AGS, in the Indian market. Reports state that the steering wheels of Maruti Celerio ZXi have adopted the tilt-adjustable style and keyless entry has also been included in this new trim. Fog lamps surround the front bumper. Its rear view mirrors are electronically adjustable as well.
The audio system of the Celerio ZXi AGS variant features radio, CD, USB and Bluetooth. Maruti Celerio ZXi will be available in two engine variants – petrol and CNG.
The 1.0-litre K-series engine of Celerio ZXi has three cylinders and 12-valves, which produces a power output of 67.06bhp at 6000rpm and 90Nm torque. Whereas, the CNG model of Celerio ZXi AGS can generate a power output of 57bhp at 6000rpm. This in turn helps the engine to generate an approximate mileage of 31.7km.