Chennai,jan 13 : Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalitha on Tuesday beatific a letter to Prime Abbot Narendra Modi gluttonous an authorization for facilitating the conduct of jallikattu, the acceptable bull-taming activity in the accompaniment during Pongal festival.
“The Supreme Cloister has accepted acting break of the Centre’s notification. Considering the coercion of the issue, I acerb reiterate my appeal to the Government to advertise an authorization abruptly to accredit the conduct of jallikattu,” she said in the letter. “On account of the humans of Tamil Nadu, I appetite you to crop actual action,” said Jayalalithaa.
With the Pongal ceremony alpha January 14, humans in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu acquire fabricated affairs and are agilely searching advanced to the nod for the balderdash sport. “It is actual important that the senti ments of the humans of Tamil Nadu, who acquire a abysmal adapter to the conduct of the acceptable event, are respected,” she said.
Reminding Modi that she had accounting to him on December 22, gluttonous the promulgation of an ordinance, she said the ambiance admiral had issued a notification enabling the conduct of the acceptable sport.
On cancellation of the notification, abundant circulars were beatific to commune collectors apropos arrange to be made, carefully in accordance with the altitude and safeguards adumbrated in the notification. “On this basis, arrange acquire been fabricated by organizers all over the state,” Jayalalithaa said. Copies of the letter was appear to the media anon afterwards the SC backward the Centre’s controlling order.