New Delhi, October 22: The CBI on Tuesday wrote to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) seeking all the records related to allocation of coal block to Hindalco, three days after the top office said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had approved it on the basis of “merits” of the case placed before him.
CBI sources said the move came after filing of status report before the Supreme Court where the agency has informed the apex court about the latest case registered by it against Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla and former coal secretary P.C. Parakh.
Meanwhile, reacting to CBI’s action, Minister of State for PMO V. Narayanasamy said, “We have nothing to hide and have already given thousands of documents to the agency.”
“As of now, the investigation is going on. We will probe every aspect of the FIR before a future course of action is decided,” the CBI said.