panaji: Goa Police officials probing the sexual assault charges against Tehelka founder-editor Tarun Tejpal have claimed that it has been “sufficiently proved” based on statements of the victim and accused and available CCTV footage that the victim was wrongfully confined against her will inside a lift during the course of the alleged act.
The victim has told police in her statement that Tejpal had lured her into the elevator on two occasions against her wish. The CCTV footage has been sourced from outside the lift.
Tejpal was sent to four days additional police remand Saturday, instead of the eight days police had sought. While the remand hearing took place inside a court room of the Chief Magistrate on the first floor, Tejpal’s aide and former Tehelka managing editor Shoma Chaudhury appeared before the Judicial Magistrate First Class, on the ground floor, to record her statement as a witness. She was inside the courtroom from 10 am to 5.45 pm. Sources said the Crime Branch has called her for questioning Sunday.
The Goa Crime Branch has now booked Tejpal under additional charges of wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement, covered by Sections 341 and 342 of the IPC.
Tejpal has also been booked under Section 376 (2) (f) of The Criminal Law ( Amendment) Act, applicable in circumstances where the rape has been committed by a person “being a relative, guardian, or teacher or in a position of trust” towards the victim. Section 376 C of the Act, which has also been imposed, is invoked when the rape accused is a person in fiduciary role. Earlier, alongside rape charges, the Goa Police had invoked Section 376 (2) (k) (being in a position of control and dominance over a woman).